Brighter Day Christian Fellowship

21 Days of Fasting 2018 - Day #7

21 Days of Fasting 2018 - Day #7

Great Expectations

21 Days of Fasting, Prayer and Personal Devotion

Day Seven – Humbleness

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

If we sincerely humble ourselves before the Lord, repent, pray and seek God’s face; if we consistently meditate on His word, we will experience a heightened awareness of His presence. Read John 14:21

Today, let the Lord fill our hearts with expectancy. Our confidence and faith in God will be strengthened. We will feel mentally, spiritually, and physically empowered. We will see answers to our prayers.

Here are a few scriptures to support being humble. Please read: Isaiah 66:2, Colossians 3:12-14, James 4:6-10

Today, humble yourself before the Lord and bring your cares to Him. Be humble and gentle to those around you. Have a meek and humble spirit like Jesus. Remove any pride from your life and confess you are nothing without Jesus.

Is there any discouragement in your heart today? Write it down and release it to Jesus.

Be Humble and He will lift you up!

Pastor Frank Gallegos

21 Days of Fasting 2018 - Day #6

21 Days of Fasting 2018 - Day #6

Great Expectations

21 Days of Fasting, Prayer and Personal Devotion

Day Six – Speak Life through our Spoken Words

The perfect demonstration of the power of Jesus’ spoken word is found in the story of Lazarus’ death and resurrection. First read John 11:38-44 before continuing.

Jesus already knew in his heart that a miracle was about to take place but until he spoke the word, did it come to pass.

Luke 6:45 For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. So our spoken word is the manifestation of what is happening in our heart. There is power in our spoken words. We can either use words to build up or tear down.

Let us pray that our words would be encouraging, edifying and aligned with the truths of God’s word. Building up one another with our words allows us to be God’s vessel for His good work. Yes, there is power in our spoken word, so let us speak life!

Here are a few scriptures to direct us in building others up with a spoken word. Please read: Isaiah 50:40, Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 12:33-37, Proverbs 18:21 and Proverbs 12:18.

Today, find at least two people and use the power of a spoken word to speak encouragement into their lives. Write down an experience here.

Pastor Frank Gallegos

21 Days of Fasting 2018 - Day #5

21 Days of Fasting 2018 - Day #5

Great Expectations

21 Days of Fasting, Prayer and Personal Devotion

Day Five – A Hunger for God

Mathew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

In Mark 1:12-13, we read that the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness, disconnecting Him from the world to fast and pray for 40 days. There were times throughout the four Gospels, Jesus pulled away from His ministry, the demands of the crowds, and even His closest friends to pray.

Sometimes we, too, have to pull away from the things that take our focus off of God and these things include more than just food. Fasting is a time to take some time to disconnect from the daily distractions such as television, Facebook, cell phones, internet and choose to nourish our souls and hunger for God.

At this time of consecration, you may feel physical hunger but if you take time to hunger after righteousness, you will be spiritually filled. Jesus said that being hungry for Him is to be in a blessed state, because you can be sure to be filled with food that satisfies your deepest needs. (Matthew 5:6)

Here are a few scriptures to help you cultivate spiritual hunger. Please read: Matthew 6:19-21, 2 Timothy 2:20-22, Psalm 63:1, John 6:35 and Psalm 42:1-2

Today, answer these questions:

What are some things that distract you from focusing on God?

What are some things you can do to develop a spiritual hunger for God?

Today and throughout this fast, can you find time to be still before the Lord?

Pastor Frank Gallegos

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